Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivated Monday Post: Are you Lukewarm or Committed?

How would you rate your current commitment to fitness?  Is it non-existent, lukewarm, or the best part of your day?  I would assume that for most people, the feeling swings from non-existent to lukewarm.  In fact, I bet only a small percentage of people feel that the commitments they make to themselves be active everyday is the best part of their day. However, I would be so over the moon if everyone felt this way!

I don't believe that exercise should be viewed as a punishment, but I do know that my pendulum swings towards "best part of my day".  Our bodies are designed to move.  We crave it.  The body needs to move in order to function well.  The effects of a sedentary lifestyle set off alarm bells in your body. High blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, weak core, back pain, and the like are better managed, or even prevented, as a result of a healthy diet and regular exercise.  The same holds true for my pregnant clients.  Regular exercise during pregnancy improves circulation, diminishes back pain, reduces stress and elevates your mood, making you a happier mama 2 be!

So, how do you go from lukewarm to committed?  I believe the answer is consistency and to pick activities that you find fun.  They say it takes 10 days of repeating something to make it a habit. What small steps can you take today, and commit to for 10 days, so that your pendulum swings from lukewarm to committed?  

PS Check out this new fitness movement dubbed "The November Project".  These 2 dudes from Boston were looking for ways to stay committed to their own fitness goals, to inspire and motivate others and to build community.  All I can say for sure is that if I lived in Boston, I would be part of this movement!  Sure, maybe you're not ready for a November Project type workout, but I hope that you soon find that your workouts are the best part of your day too!  "Just show up".

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