Monday, March 2, 2015

Did you know......

Did you know that traditional abdominal crunches increase downward pressure on your pelvic floor? 

For women who are dealing with pelvic floor weakness or dysfunction post partum, repetitive crunches can actually make their condition worse! 

I know from speaking with hundreds of new moms that far too many women return to this outdated abdominal exercises soon after birth in an attempt flatten their post partum tummy, often because they did not know what exercise to do in it's place.  There are far more effective abdominal exercises that will flatten and tone your tummy after baby much better than the traditional crunch.

An isometric Belly Breathe is a much better option to strengthen your abdominals and your pelvic floor too!

Try it now:

1. Sit upright on a chair or stability ball, feet planted on the floor hip width apart.  Make sure your tailbone is not tucked under, allow for a natural curve in your lower spine
2. Place your hands on either side of your rib cage
3. Inhale deeply and feel your ribs expand
4. As you exhale, close your ribs

To progress this exercise and engage your pelvic floor too do the steps above and then add this:
5. Inhale and expand your ribs
6. As you exhale imagine picking up a jelly bean, or blue berry with your pelvic floor and close your ribs
7. Inhale and expand your ribs and relax your pelvic floor

Repeat 8-10 times. 2-3 sets


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