Monday, March 9, 2015

Who is your fitness role model?

I am really fortunate that I grew up in a very active household.  My parents were amazing role models who quietly demonstrated healthy habits that have deeply affected how my brother and I live our lives, and the lives our families lead today.

My mom and dad are still avid and energetic walkers.  As a kid my brother and I would have to run to keep up with their long leg strides, and I can remember thinking that I would never be able to catch up with them.  Family outings included regular walks/hikes at our local conservation parks where I would likely whine and complain and my younger brother would hunt for sticks far too large for his 7 year old body. During the spring and summer we would head out for family walks or bike rides in our neighborhood along the water front in South Ajax. 

My father commuted into the city every day for over 20 years.  Before supper he would engage in his nightly ritual of calisthenic exercises- push-ups, sit- ups, squats and lunges, and stretches.  I would lie on their bed and watch him as I shared the story of my day.  When I would ask him why he was exercising he told me because it made him feel better after being at a desk working all day.  This routine never took too long, 20 minutes tops before we would all head downstairs to the kitchen table where we would eat dinner as a family.

I remember one summer in particular where we spent the entire season at Petticoat creek swimming and playing outside all day.  My mom often reflects back on this time as being in the best shape of her life that summer because she swam every day.  I just remember having fun.

In my parents basement there is an assortment of small fitness equipment and a variety of DVD's.  However, unlike most fitness equipment, this stuff doesn't collect dust or store laundry.  Light weights are stored under the couch and are picked up regularly and repeatedly. 

Our meals were pretty healthy and cooked at home.  I feel like the amount of 'convenience' foods were purchased far less than other households.  We only had pop on special occasions and bags of chips were rarely purchased.  We drank water from tall glasses and refilled throughout the day.

I am thankful that I have had such great role models in my life.  It makes it easier for me to demonstrate these healthy habits for my boys.  Maybe you grew up in a similar way, or perhaps you are trying to change how you live so that you and your family are healthier and more active.  Either way, being health conscious does not have to take a lot of time, effort or energy.  The small things really do add up and they can leave a very lasting impression.

What are some things you are doing to live a healthy and active life for you and your family? 

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